Sacred Geometry Part II

Sacred Geometry Part II

 Hi!​ We have a wonderful follow up healing ceremony tomorrow on Sacred Geometry Part II where we will discuss: Topics including understanding the 12 frequency bands of the physical universe and how sacred geometry  can enhance the divine center point in all objects...


 Hi!​ In tomorrow’s healing ceremony we will introduce a very important topic. We have discussed at length the topic of developmental trauma, and complex PTSD, now Source is revealing our next level of education: psychosis. We will discuss prevalence, contributing...
The Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucians

 Hi!​ Welcome to the topic of this week’s healing ceremony. We will be completing our work on the Knight Templars sharing more mysterious visual evidence of the fact the Templars were secretly practicing ascension rites of passage in Portugal and elsewhere during...
The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar

 Hi!​ Welcome!  In tomorrow’s Healing Ceremony Niki will share her experience of integration with the 24th DNA strand, the overall ascension progress of the current portal membership and final secrets on how to significantly increase your pendulum accuracy. We will...